Allies for the journey ahead

Trusted Team. Strong Relationships. Lasting Impact on Education.


Tucker Capital

Founded in 1982, Tucker Capital offers a blend of M&A advisory and strategic consulting, working alongside high-potential, mission-driven businesses.

Our work focuses on the learning and skill-building sectors and the people and missions behind those businesses.

Beyond expertise, we bring curiosity. We understand the crucial role of people in developing an organization, closing a deal, or building a lasting partnership.


Mergers & Acquisitions

Attracting the right buyer or investor involves great storytelling, an active network and a relationship-building approach that models transparency and trust.

Each acquisition or investment process is co-designed to match our client’s specific goals, and we are in active dialogue with 100+ investors and acquirers in education to find the right fit. We see our primary role as providing visibility into options so you can make the right decision for your needs.


Strategic Advisory

We help teams and leaders at important strategic crossroads as they navigate new initiatives, organizational change, stakeholder alignment and overall strategic direction.

Our strategic work is focused on driving greater impact, getting unstuck, and creating financial growth. The right ideas almost always lie within the organization itself; we work closely with team members to surface and activate existing expertise and insights.



We help clients explore and structure strategic partnerships with other organizations, including JVs, non-profit / for-profit partnerships and licensing.

Easy to imagine but hard to execute, strategic partnerships thrive on unflinching partner dialogue, joint strategic planning, strong agreements and speed to create the foundations for success.


Growth Strategies

As part of our strategic advisory work, we help education companies map out market strategies and incubate new initiatives to drive growth.

Over 40 years, we have worked closely with venture-stage businesses reaching for the next level, large organizations deciding where to focus next and turnaround situations.